The Endangered Species of Effective Placement: Clear Communication and Trust

I have an article over on the NPA website called “Zen and the Art of Split Placements”. There are many points within it that I feel are important to employers, but the one that comes to mind most frequently is about how communication must be honest and clear—something that isn’t a given, even in today’s world of advanced digital technology. Candidate databases, social networking sites and the like may be good tools to help you reach out to prospective applicants, clients or split-trading partners, but they will never trump solid, effective, good-old-fashioned conversation.

Real contact with people builds trust, something that is a crucial factor for long-term success in the placement business. If you provide accurate information and really listen to clients, candidates and partners, you will earn that trust, not to mention a reputation for quality.

From the NPA article:

Back to that precept of quality: the conviction that you must live a life of quality but also give quality to life around you. Are you someone that clients, candidates, your peers turn to because they respect your opinion, your knowledge, your ability to give sage advice? Do you take the time to share your knowledge and wisdom with new recruiters or students just out of college or outplacement organizations? Sometimes the best way to learn is to teach a lesson we are reminded of the adage, “Do as I say, not as I do!” Teaching or being a mentor is one way to reinforce what we should always be doing. Have you volunteered in your professional associations or business networks? I think we can all look back in our careers to someone that took the time to teach us; have we returned the favor and passed on the knowledge and perspectives to be successful in our profession?

I’m a firm believer in living a quality life and bringing the best of myself to my work, and I think Premier Placement is a trusted partner to so many businesses because of this. It may not be so easy to connect live with others on a regular basis in our increasingly technology-driven world of communication, but it’s worth the effort. And for me, a good, meaningful conversation is quite often a reward in and of itself.  —Laura


Laura Schmieder

Laura Schmieder

President of Premier Placement, Inc.

(610) 395-9123


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