The resume is 15 percent of the job-getting process, The interview is 35 percent of the process, and Who you are represents the remaining 50 percent of the job-getting process
Most employers demand a resume before accepting any application, no matter what the job or pay!
Employers don’t have time to read hundreds of resumes. So, for the FIRST CUT he/she skims them, giving each about 10 seconds. To make the first cut your resume must be SKIMMABLE.
For the next step, or SECOND CUT, the employer will give the remaining resumes 3-5 minutes. For this reading, the resume MUST SELL YOU.
The physical appearance of your resume is IMPORTANT. It is the employer’s first impression of you. From the moment your resume comes before them, you are sending the prospective employer direct and subliminal messages about who and what you are. You cannot risk losing any edge with a sloppy looking or poorly written resume.
A resume is a JOB HUNTING TOOL. Just as a master craftsman has Quality tools and keeps them in shape, you should develop a quality resume and keep it up to date.
Your resume will become your report card – each year ask yourself these questions:

  • 1. What new skills have I mastered?
  • 2. Where have I contributed to my company’s profitability?
  • 3. Have I achieved my own goals?
  • 4. Am I stuck in a rut or constantly challenged?
  • 5. Where or what is my next position?
  • 6. Does my resume reflect who I am and where I want to be in the next 5 years?
The process of gathering information for your resume will prepare you for the actual interview. You must be able to communicate in greater detail the details that got you the interview in the first place.


  • 1. Create a resume that is easy to read — use a traditional format — job history in reverse chronological order. In recent years, the mixed functional / chronological format has achieved acceptance. Functional only resumes should be avoided, dates are important.
  • 2. Keep it short – one to two page resumes are the current standard. Concentrate on the most recent 5 – 7 years (if applicable!). Any previous experience is obsolete — you are either using the skills in your current position or technology has marched on without you.
  • 3. Your resume muse be clear, concise and persuasive. List your major responsibilities and what you have accomplished given those responsibilities. Quantify them – claims supported by numbers, dollar amounts and percentages are more convincing. Remember: Past performance is an indication of future behavior. Your next employer is looking for someone who has saved money or improved production.
  • 4. Professional appearance is critical. Have your resume printed on a good quality white, off white or buff paper.
  • 5. Remember – a resume is a visual — a piece of art. Don’t fill it up with words. Allow just enough white space to move the eye left to right, up and down. Use bullets to highlight major responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • 6. Be sure your resume is easy to scan into a computer. Avoid using italic, long underlining, borders and shading.
  • 7. Use verbs — action words are critical. Substitute verbs for adjectives and adverbs. (see action word list)
  • 8. Begin your resume with a summary of qualifications. Introduce yourself to the reader in three of four sentences or short bulleted fragments that highlight your skills. Objectives are usually too bland or too specific for each opportunity.
  • 9. When stating your education be specific about the degree, what school, what city, and the date of the degree. If your GPA is excellent – list it. Employers need this information to verify your degree. Recent graduates should include list of relevant courses –an unofficial college transcript is good. Define your time management skills — if you worked 20 hours, participated in activities such as the marching band and still maintained a 3.0 GPA – you have great potential in the “REAL” world !
  • 10. Include a brief cover letter — [for recruiters] the cover letter should include your most recent salary and a phone number where you are most likely to be reached. The cover letter should spell out geographical desires and interests.


include pictures.
list references of relatives – references only upon request.
put your resume in a fancy binder or folder.
forge phone number, area code and zip code.
list height, weight, or other personal attributes.
highlight problems (divorce, health. personal problems).
include addresses of prior employers – takes up too much room (City and state are sufficient).
use dark or brightly colored stationery.
use company stationary that you ripped off from your lost employer. use odd shaped paper.
use handwriting – have it typed, word processing is better.
include salary information on your resume.
use binders filled with recommendation letters, diplomas, etc.
have it typed too closely together – make it easy to read.
have it poorly reproduced.
include superfluous details: “I left this job because I read in the local paper a help-wanted ad for someone to replace me. I didn’t mind that so much, but it appeared in the same issue of the newspaper where my daughter’s picture and engagement was announced. I thought that was insensitive, and I quit on the spot” or “Now retired, I clip coupons and am trying to sell a novel I wrote that is 2,000 pages long. It’s almost impossible for someone unknown like me to sell a novel unless you know somebody.”
include hobbies, avocational work or social interests unless they contribute clearly to your work abilities or enhance your marketability.


Building credibility is more than just avoiding revealing gaffes. It requires doing enough background research to identify your target audience and its vital interests. If the reader for the company he represents, is truly your best prospect try crawling into his head and asking the same questions of your resume that he will ask – in roughly the same order. If you can’t do that, then you don’t know your market yet and should do more research. Imagine finding a piece of information before your eyes, at the precise moment your mental organizing apparatus signals a need for it. What if this happens several times over two pages?    Such compatibility is exactly what your reader wants.


(And Examples of Shortened Version)

Enclosed herewith, please find
Enclosed is
At your earliest convenience
Give specific date
I am in receipt of
I received
Needless to say
Thanking you in advance
Thank you
It is quite apparent that
Will be duly forwarded
Will send
During the month of July
During July
It is recommended that
We recommend
Please be advised that
At the present writing
Now… or currently
We are of the opinion that
we believe
As soon as possible
Give specific date
As you are aware
It would not be unreasonable to assume
I assume
Perform an analysis of
As per our conversation
As discussed or DELETE
Please give this your thoughtful attention
Please act
This memo is to confirm
Just confirm it
As you know
Very truly yours
Yours truly,
Respectfully submitted
Sincerely or Thank You
The purpose of this memo is
It has been brought to my attention that
I have learned… or DELETE
We wish to extend our thanks
Thank you
Your immediate attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated
Please respond by
Pursuant to your request
As you requested
Due to the fact that
Due to or Because
If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please call me at 522-8000 if you have questions (or DELETE IT)
In the event that
It is incumbent on me
I must
Please rest assured
We wish to inform you that
In the not-too-distant future
Give date
Attached hereto, please find
I have attached
For your information


Think about your Contributions to companies that:

engineered profitsmanaged markets

managed sales

organized teams

strategically planned

trained ___________


initiated ________________

developed and implemented preventive

maintenance program

directed renovations

implemented new systems

developed pro-active training programs

augmented growth of _______

increased returns in investment

improved (gross) profits

augmented sales

increased market share

improved market penetration

improved productivity

lowered costs

reduced turnover

improved turnover ratios

cut new product launch time

recruited, hired, and trained

improved cash availability

developed budgets

effected re-capitalization

reduced operating expenses

collaborated with architects, contractors, builders, and zoning authorities

eliminated roadblocks

reduced paperwork

enhanced client relationships

arranged moratorium with creditors

negotiated settlements

reduced delivery time

solved major technical problems

cut through red tape

increased efficiency

reduced staffing needs

instituted cost controls

set new goals and objectives

devised new strategies

reversed negative cash flow

staffed ________________

reduced new contract cancellations

discouraged union organizations

reduced labor costs

diminished breakage

designed new forms

eliminated obsolete ___________

set all-time record for __________

test marketed



planned and developed new product line

reduced inventory

minimized customer complaints

enhanced community relations

improved product quality

improved service quality

planned and executed moves;


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